Monday, November 18, 2013

Running the Race

How did this happen? After all, my only motive was to be as healthy as possible by practicing good nutritional habits and exercising regularly. I had wanted to do this for some time, and it seemed the time was NOW. When a close friend asked to join me, that was even better…accountability is desirable! This friend, however, is a friend of “ideas,” and somehow we decided it would be “fun” to sign up to run a 5K in the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot—easily convinced that the fellowship would provide opportunities to connect and share with others (knowing I wouldn’t say “no” to that)!                               

So, the training ensued with Day 1 ushering in thoughts of desperation—surely, I was going to exit this earth after running “how far?” … four tenths of a mile! This was not looking (or feeling) promising. Each day, sheer determination led me to run a little further although the pace was certainly slower than any tortoise of yesteryear. Surprisingly, new goals and new milestones continued to be set each day until I noticed that I was actually looking forward to “the run.” Rain or shine often dressed in layers for the Fall coolness that now presents in the foothills, I have been committed. Yesterday, I was caught in heavy rain, and as it poured on me, stinging especially my arms and face, I continued to run the last mile. Cold and drenched from head to toe, my shoes squeaked in the back door where my 19-year-old daughter did not resist snapping a photo and posting it with glee to her facebook page. With very special, heartfelt praise, she commended me for my dedication saying, “well done, Mom!” 


It is refreshing and rewarding to note the progress, to know there is growth and improvement, and to anticipate the actual 5K run early Thanksgiving morning….I am definitely looking forward to being there with others who are running the race. The Turkey Trot is only ten days away so the intensity and duration of my training needs all I have to give in these days ahead!

More importantly, and significantly, I consider the race that is set before me as a Christian. It is the desire of my heart to run the race that is laid out before me—to live the life that God has given me—and to FINISH THE RACE—strong in the Lord! With a longing heart, I desire to hear the words, “Well done…good and faithful servant!” taking delight in being with my Savior.  MARANATHA


Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.       ~Hebrews 12:1-2


Copyright © 2013 by Dr. Donna Earl Bridges

1 comment:

  1. Donna: So proud of you for taking on this challenge.I know you will be rewarded on many levels. I'm going to join you next year!!!!
