Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Loads of Laundry

Loads of Laundry

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the LORD as a reward. It is the LORD Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24
In C Squared, also known as College Cottage and appropriately “named” by my university college freshman daughter, we have somewhat of a division of labor. It is my job to gather, sort, wash, dry, and iron the laundry. Her job is to put it away (which can take on different meanings at different times!)…. Recently, she and I were having what we call a “murmuring heart” day. I had commented that the loads of laundry seemed infinite—sorting, washing, and starting over again with only a brief glimpse of an empty washer and dryer. Both of us were having a “complaining moment” mentioning the huge tub of towels and our disproportionate disenchantment. Following some discussion and each of us asking forgiveness for our lack of gratitude that had manifested as heavy sighing, we were given grace to complete the tasks at hand doing our best. Later, with time to reflect, I thought about how God gathers His flock—US—gently leading and empowering each one to use the talents He has so graciously given. Surmising that it is best not to let the dirty laundry pile up, the same principle is at work in our lives. Vigilance is required to “gather” by reading God’s Word, “sorting” by listening with sensitive ears, “washing and drying” by immediately taking our thoughts captive, and “ironing out” the wrinkles as we ask forgiveness and continue on life’s earthly journey. Folding or molding and placing us where we can be used as empty vessels to work for Him fosters peace and a sense of accomplishment that comes from doing our best for the Master.

Dear God, we pray that today and every day, we will do EVERYTHING you have for us with joy and gratitude for your glory! 

Whether it is “loads of laundry,” listening to a friend, doing a job we might not “really” like, studying, cooking gluten-free, diligently practicing music, or ministering in your name, I pray to do it with all my heart—working for you, my Master!

Copyright © 2013 by Dr. Donna Earl Bridges

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