In today's culture, this is not a popular topic even among those who claim to be Christians. A quick glance at the weekend newspapers lists literally hundreds of choices for "worship" and "Bible study." Some entertaining; some liberal; some imparting false truths to appeal and appease....Those with a passion for the "real stuff" are often ridiculed as narrow-minded or thought to be self-righteous prigs often lacking happiness or humor or fun when nothing could be further from the TRUTH. The truth in God's Holy Word is very clear on this topic--as authentic followers of Jesus, we are to love the Lord with everything in us--our heart, soul, mind, and strength. As much as our human selves may desire or even dare to think we deserve to be happy all the time and that life is about having fun, fitting in, getting approval from others, and pursuing our own ambitions and desires, the Bible specifically teaches meekness, humility, sacrificing "self," and hungering and thirsting for righteousness! The world view that many hold is saturated with false beliefs and deception--a fairy tale which even Merriam Webster defines as "a made-up story usually designed to mislead...a story involving fantastic forces and which improbable events lead to a happy ending." A glance through TV channels and the frenetic pace of facebook and media steal the time and rule the mind to the point of not being able to even think REAL thoughts. The world has plenty of "made-up" stories to mislead us from the truth. When we place our faith in "improbable events" hoping or wondering if there will be a happy ending, our lives become meaningless. Some are even deceived in to believing that being busy and having hundreds of "electronic friends" will fill the emptiness (ironically that they don't even notice). With Jesus Christ, there is no uncertainty that there will be a happy ending for all who believe and accept the free gift of salvation that God offers...those who believe and trust in the Lord will spend eternity in happily ever after! The Bible is clear about this absolute TRUTH. Why trust the "fluff" of the world designed to mislead and full of empty promises? when you can choose...
...what is REAL !
"Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light." Ephesians 5: 6-8
Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges
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