The misty, early hour of dawn was most certainly an unlikely time to spy the rare find of a four leaf clover. It has been estimated that there are 10,000 three leaf clovers to every four leaf clover. But, there it was nestled among literally hundreds of its kind. However, it was distinctly different. It was a reminder of the "hand-tailored" grace of God. An extra leaf defined its uniqueness and despite it being surrounded by others that appeared the same at first glance, this special little clover had something more! Joyfully delighting in the discovery of a four leaf clover created a smile of wonder and amazement. As believers in Jesus Christ, we have not only "something more," we have "everything"--the Holy Spirit of God in us. Unlike that little clover, green and vibrant today with its rare and special feature of an extra leaf, we will not wither or fade. So as we journey, wonder and amazement are ours beyond comparison reminding us that God's grace is unique to each of us. He knows us by name; He knows our circumstances; He knows the needs and desires of our hearts. The grace that God gives is exquisitely "hand-tailored" for each of us!
Ephesians 6:24
"Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love."
Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges
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