In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
~ I Peter 5: 6-7
someone close to you that you really love dies, you quickly discern from
desirable submission or undesirable coercion what is important in life! Grief
has a way of “teaching” us how to recognize the good that happens as a result
of suffering great loss. It is also a “counselor” as priorities are often reassessed
and even reordered. Suffering and evil are omnipresent as we live in a fallen
world—nothing is perfect on this earth. Comforting is the knowledge and
understanding that a Holy, Sovereign God can use every situation for an even
greater good bringing glory to His name. When a loved one dies, it seems
impossible that God could possibly use this great loss for good—missing the
laughter, the hugs, the experiences, the joyful moments—seeing the empty chair
at the dinner table and setting one less place setting…but God can and does
use especially the most sorrowful and broken circumstances to draw us to Himself. If we are honest, is it not the times that we face trouble, or
illness, or pain that we cry out to God? Isn’t it then that our prayers become
more fervent? Even those who don’t pray every day will often ask others to pray
for them in a time of desperate need—sickness, job loss, difficult
circumstances, broken relationships! We all draw near to God and desire His
presence with greater intensity during any trial. For this reason, grieving
loss can be a beacon in the darkness bringing us to the LIGHT—Jesus Christ!
This is a much bigger picture than small human minds can fathom. Grieving a
great loss focuses our minds and hearts on what is really important! We have to
go places and do things we may not want to go to or do in order to get us where HE
wants us to be! God uses our losses to bring brilliance beyond measure to our
lives in much the same way a jeweler molds, holds, and uses an opal stone which
has no color or shine of its own—only in the hands of the craftsman does it
take on color, shine, and brilliance!
God uses trials in our lives to mold us and shape us in ways that otherwise would not be possible giving the gift of incomparable eternal rewards!
Going through
a difficult time? Ask Jesus to come spend the day with you—read His Word aloud and tell Him the desires of your heart. He already knows you better than you
know yourself. Draw near to God, and He
promises to draw near to you!
© Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges. All rights reserved.
"There is a place of quiet rest...near to the heart of God...Hold us who wait before Thee, near to the heart of God!" (classic hymn copyright expired)