Tuesday, December 31, 2013


                  F         I     T    H    HH   H


A new calendar year is rapidly approaching….In only a few hours, there will be celebrations and well wishes all over the world! Literally millions of dollars will be poured in to “celebrating” a new year. As one year folds time in to another, there really is no finite boundary or new beginning in the calendar year itself. However, this is a great time to reflect on the past year and to set goals establishing priorities, continuing the journey….

Last year on December 31st, I chose to focus on the topic of FAITH as it applies to personal growth. Using this as an acrostic, there were five areas that I identified where I desired to learn, grow, and deepen my personal walk with the Lord. On New Year's Eve, I wrote out "10 Priorities for 2013." The acrostic focused on these areas:  


Future – Knowing that my days on the earth are numbered helps me keep an eternal perspective

Afraid – Trusting God for the outcome for every event and decision in life and having no fear

Intimacy – Time reading/meditating on God’s word to “hear” and to receive wisdom and discernment

To Jesus – Looking to Him and Him alone who authors and perfects my faith

Heaven – Knowing full well that my hope is in the Lord and that HEAVEN is my eternal home

My musically talented daughter and I wrote a song entitled, “The Victory’s Already Been Won,” based on this 2013 theme, and we are enthusiastically enjoying singing it for whatever audiences will listen!
The words of the chorus are:

Faith is the evidence of things I cannot see,

Faith is the assurance of the hope He has for me;

Faith in unseen miracles of a Sovereign God,

Faith in the VICTORY that’s already been won.

Today, reflecting on the journey of 2013, it is humbling to see God's hand of mercy and grace in all things. To know that He is an amazing and sovereign God gives courage and hope as well as the strength to persevere in tough times. Thanking Him now for all of the precious “gifts” in my life—family, special friends, and especially my brothers and sisters in Christ... God makes no mistakes; everything that is a part of my life is for my good and His glory. What an awesome “end” to a year filled with unimaginable, incredible growth as well as mind-boggling opportunities and what a glorious “beginning” to the earthly adventures of a new calendar year with Jesus coming to spend every day—now and forever!  

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”   ~Hebrews 11:1
                                                                    Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges      All rights reserved.




1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Mom, for these wonderful NEW insights! May we enter this new year with renewed faith in our Lord...with whom a thousand years are like a day...
