Thursday, December 5, 2013

Forecast: More Than Sunshine

Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett, a best-selling children’s book that brings smiles and giggles, poignantly illustrates how the people of Chewandswallow got their food. Grandpa is the “story teller” whose imaginative “tall tale” is sparked by him accidentally flipping a pancake on his grandson’s head at breakfast. The sketches in the book are in black and white until Grandpa tells “his dramatic story” in pictures of how it rains food on the people of Chewandswallow at mealtime since there aren’t any food stores there. The dynamics of this renowned picture book feature the illustrations in black and white until the story begins—then everything is in color.

The people of Chewandswallow are imaginary. But, as Christians, we see what wasn’t there before…and, it is REAL…the picture is vivid and clear! We know that the Lord is providing all the “food” we need to satisfy our physical, emotional, and spiritual longings. Yes, there are moments of “black and white” in the flesh. Clearly, every single one of us will have trials and difficulties. Even these are opportunities for adventure to wait on the Lord and “see and taste” what He will provide for us daily. Ultimately, He will make EVERYTHING right in His own time; so, believers in Jesus Christ live every moment with this eternal perspective!

Wishing for sunshine? Try "welcoming" the rain (even if an undesirable visitor)—from the raindrops come food for the soul—blessings and healing! It is easy to desire all sunshine and no rain; but, we know that with this scenario, the plant withers and dies!

Why not focus today on treasuring “life’s delights”—the gladness of basking in the sun and true joy as God makes even our disappointments and suffering treasures for the soul in His time!


 Taste and see that the Lord is good;
    blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. ~Psalm 34:8 (NIV)

Copyright © 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges


  1. What comforting insights...Praise the Lord that even when it's "cloudy," His light guides our way and brings us peace.

    1. Thank you, my friend! I love you in the sunshine, clouds, rain, storms, days, and nights... You are truly a blessing from the Lord!
