Tuesday, December 31, 2013


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A new calendar year is rapidly approaching….In only a few hours, there will be celebrations and well wishes all over the world! Literally millions of dollars will be poured in to “celebrating” a new year. As one year folds time in to another, there really is no finite boundary or new beginning in the calendar year itself. However, this is a great time to reflect on the past year and to set goals establishing priorities, continuing the journey….

Last year on December 31st, I chose to focus on the topic of FAITH as it applies to personal growth. Using this as an acrostic, there were five areas that I identified where I desired to learn, grow, and deepen my personal walk with the Lord. On New Year's Eve, I wrote out "10 Priorities for 2013." The acrostic focused on these areas:  


Future – Knowing that my days on the earth are numbered helps me keep an eternal perspective

Afraid – Trusting God for the outcome for every event and decision in life and having no fear

Intimacy – Time reading/meditating on God’s word to “hear” and to receive wisdom and discernment

To Jesus – Looking to Him and Him alone who authors and perfects my faith

Heaven – Knowing full well that my hope is in the Lord and that HEAVEN is my eternal home

My musically talented daughter and I wrote a song entitled, “The Victory’s Already Been Won,” based on this 2013 theme, and we are enthusiastically enjoying singing it for whatever audiences will listen!
The words of the chorus are:

Faith is the evidence of things I cannot see,

Faith is the assurance of the hope He has for me;

Faith in unseen miracles of a Sovereign God,

Faith in the VICTORY that’s already been won.

Today, reflecting on the journey of 2013, it is humbling to see God's hand of mercy and grace in all things. To know that He is an amazing and sovereign God gives courage and hope as well as the strength to persevere in tough times. Thanking Him now for all of the precious “gifts” in my life—family, special friends, and especially my brothers and sisters in Christ... God makes no mistakes; everything that is a part of my life is for my good and His glory. What an awesome “end” to a year filled with unimaginable, incredible growth as well as mind-boggling opportunities and what a glorious “beginning” to the earthly adventures of a new calendar year with Jesus coming to spend every day—now and forever!  

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”   ~Hebrews 11:1
                                                                    Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges      All rights reserved.




Friday, December 27, 2013


Candlelight Service at Calvary

As you know, it's definitely not easy for young children to "wait patiently" as they anticipate the "surprises" that come with celebrating Christmas. In reality, it's hard for "older children," like me, as well! Although the "surprises" anticipated (or unanticipated) change over the course of life, there is an ensuing peace to know that "waiting patiently" and "working hard" at whatever we are called to do, experience, or endure is part of God's ultimate, sovereign plan!

Amidst the inevitable, unavoidable "busyness," reflecting on the myriad of unanticipated opportunities as well as the innumerable blessings of creating memories in celebration with family and friends during this CHRISTmas season, the common thread lacing the activities and festivities was "patient waiting." The guests who would come to celebrate with us, for whom we had waited patiently, delivered sparkling smiles of joy and gladness. Visiting in the home of "brothers and sisters" in Christ was encouraging and uplifting. These moments are the treasured and cherished ones...that last forever!

What beauty to behold thousands of lit candles on Christmas Eve night, to be still and to be silent, to worship, and to hear the message of CHRISTmas ... to know that ETERNITY entered our time here on earth! This Christmas message--that God revealed Himself in the giving of His Son--is a powerful reminder that work, preparation, and, yes, "waiting patiently" for that ultimate eternal hope to be fully revealed is the reason for every season! This patient waiting gives strength both literally and figuratively.

Thanking God today for giving us a glimpse of what IS and WAS and IS TO COME in the "here and now" ... and, waiting patiently...

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Celebrating CHRISTmas all year!

This is a link to the Calvary Christmas Eve Candlelight Service...Enjoy and be encouraged!


Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges     All rights reserved

Wednesday, December 11, 2013



As a young career woman, I was given many opportunities to present time management seminars in school districts and dental practices. “Managing time” appears as a straightforward and even simple concept in theory; however, it is paradoxically an enigma revealing the complexities of life. How do you actually “manage” time—this precious gift?  In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People which was on the New York Times bestseller list for 200 weeks, a part of the training was focused on having a paradigm shift and putting first things first using “true north” principles. As a licensed facilitator, I began reflecting on these principles from an eternal perspective and digging in to the scriptures. This actually led me to desire change based on truth from the Word of God.  

One analogy which encouraged me to focus on an eternal perspective is to imagine myself at my 90th birthday party or to write what my own obituary might say. What would be the "words of truth" that others would convey about my life.

Keeping this eternal perspective brings innumerable blessings…and encourages me to be a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to me--especially the gift of TIME!

Realizing that we all have a limited amount of time on this earth--making every hour count, understanding that once time is used, you can never get it back to love, serve, give, forgive, and share-- changes one's paradigm to an eternal perspective!  

Each week that we are given the gift of time, there are 168 hours in the week. Mathematically this looks something like:

       168 – 56 (hours of sleep/8 hours per night) = 112

       112 – 10 (hours for personal hygiene/shower, etc.) = 102

       102 – 15 (hours for food preparation/eating/dining) = 87

       87 – 50 (40 hour work week plus commute--this is more for "stay at home moms raising children") = 37

       37 – 10 (planning and transition time) = 27

The balance of finite earthly time each week would be estimated to be between 20 – 30 hours (although it is probably less due to unexpected events/circumstances).

Scheduling what is important from an eternal perspective and deducting those hours from 168 (hours in a week) gives a visual representation of what and how we spend our time. This means scheduling the important things FIRST--God, family, important relationships--to avoid becoming enslaved to the “tyranny of the urgent.”

Asking this question, "what IS IMPORTANT?" and consciously recording what is important in my life has a powerful impact on how I choose to use the time that God has and is giving me. Making a prayerful, conscious choice to love the Lord and serve from an eternal perspective “makes ALL the difference!” And, it has ETERNAL REWARDS!!!!

“And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. ‘Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?’ And he said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  Matthew 22: 35-39 (ESV)
Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges

Monday, December 9, 2013


In our family, birthdays are special weeklong events! This has been a tradition for several decades now, and it is such a privilege and an honor to celebrate another year of life each year. Each day for an entire week there are notes of encouragement and “heart” gifts that just “appear” to celebrate the birth of a beautiful life.

Being conceived and born is a miracle beyond anything the human brain can even fathom. To conceive a child is actually a very complicated, intricate process. General statistics reveal the complicated process to conceive life is met with innumerable obstacles. There is only a small window of time to conceive and biological conditions must be optimum—an egg is only available for 24 hours. Once the embryo is formed, cell division and implantation take about 6 days. It is believed that only 50% of fertilized eggs actually implant. Of these, the chance of miscarriage in the first trimester is thought to be as high as 20%--with many being “unnoticed.” So, being born…having a BIRTHday is truly a miracle!

These scriptures remind us of this great gift of life:

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…”

Psalm 139:16 “Your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

If you are reading this, not only have you experienced the miracle of being born, you also have the miraculous opportunity to be “born again”…not by entering the womb, but by receiving the free gift of salvation. Not one gift, but two gifts...the gift of life itself and the gift of eternal life if we choose to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives by believing that Jesus died for our sins and accepting Him as Lord of our lives.

John 3:3   Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Celebrating BIRTH times two with an

ETERNAL perspective!
Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Forecast: More Than Sunshine

Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett, a best-selling children’s book that brings smiles and giggles, poignantly illustrates how the people of Chewandswallow got their food. Grandpa is the “story teller” whose imaginative “tall tale” is sparked by him accidentally flipping a pancake on his grandson’s head at breakfast. The sketches in the book are in black and white until Grandpa tells “his dramatic story” in pictures of how it rains food on the people of Chewandswallow at mealtime since there aren’t any food stores there. The dynamics of this renowned picture book feature the illustrations in black and white until the story begins—then everything is in color.

The people of Chewandswallow are imaginary. But, as Christians, we see what wasn’t there before…and, it is REAL…the picture is vivid and clear! We know that the Lord is providing all the “food” we need to satisfy our physical, emotional, and spiritual longings. Yes, there are moments of “black and white” in the flesh. Clearly, every single one of us will have trials and difficulties. Even these are opportunities for adventure to wait on the Lord and “see and taste” what He will provide for us daily. Ultimately, He will make EVERYTHING right in His own time; so, believers in Jesus Christ live every moment with this eternal perspective!

Wishing for sunshine? Try "welcoming" the rain (even if an undesirable visitor)—from the raindrops come food for the soul—blessings and healing! It is easy to desire all sunshine and no rain; but, we know that with this scenario, the plant withers and dies!

Why not focus today on treasuring “life’s delights”—the gladness of basking in the sun and true joy as God makes even our disappointments and suffering treasures for the soul in His time!


 Taste and see that the Lord is good;
    blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. ~Psalm 34:8 (NIV)

Copyright © 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Callie, The Calico Cat

Callie—sophisticated, charming, loving, intelligent, independent, amusing, generous, patient—a cat with a unique personality indeed; she is a gorgeous calico who has been bringing our family demonstrative joy for seven years. Born in a window box, having been conceived by a “barnyard” cat moved to the city, she was dropped down by her mother and caught in a bedsheet along with her two brothers being the only surviving female kitten. Her gorgeous reddish orange, black, and white markings define and give beauty to her humble beginnings. Unique, one-of-a-kind, she trusts us for her every need, possessing a fun-loving yet quiet nature. Unceasingly, she greets our guests politely; she entertains with the best of “cat” hospitality. With unfailing devotion, she greets us at the door with audible cat mews that say “welcome, good to see you…” each time we arrive home. When I sit at my computer, she will sit in my lap, occasionally not resisting the urge to walk across my keyboard causing my computer to do strange things, with the clear indication that she desires more of my time! Not a complainer or whiner (she doesn’t bark either!), she is content to rest comfortably on the love sofa as the afternoon sun beams through the living room window. When it storms, she takes refuge under the bed, but emerges to quickly get back to “business as usual.”

Callie, the Calico Cat, metaphorically shows me ways that my own life could be richer and more meaningful. Days spent with Jesus doing whatever tasks are at hand give moments of incredible peace and contentment. The Bible is so rich with examples of hospitality to demonstrate Christian character—patience, kindness, warm greetings, giving comfort, and resting in Jesus. Taking refuge in the inevitable storms of life, emerging to “carry on” and “do” whatever it is we are called to do…these are powerful, life-defining lessons! God is always there—waiting for our response to Him even when we complain or spend too much time on trivial matters. He delights when we desire to come to Him, wanting to be in His presence, greeting him with gladness, trusting Him for our every need, and resting peacefully in the LIGHT of His love quieting our souls. He is forgiving when our "straying" causes undesirable consequences. 

Thank you, God, for sending your son, Jesus, giving us the free gift of eternal life if we accept it. And, thank you for teeny, tiny incredible moments of bliss and grace giving us glimpses of heaven’s eternal glory—that with Christ in us—we have now!

Copyright © 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges