Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Image result for yield sign

“Blessed are the poor in spirit…” (Matthew 5:3)

STOP! That’s a YIELD sign!

There’s that age when children grow in to teenagers who embark on their 15th birthday which means it’s time to learn to drive! It’s that moment when parents wield a part of themselves as this new found freedom “drives” a plethora of emotion that in no way can be anticipated. There are the driving lessons, memorizing the signs, and studying the “rules of the highway.” Some of us have even gone so far as to hire a state trooper to give private driving lessons to ensure that we have done everything we possibly could to provide knowledge and experience as the safety and well-being of our child is paramount—providing the best instruction, counsel, and support! We want safe drivers, and although it is a conscious decision to practice safe driving, we ultimately desire that our children will “yield” to their decision to protect themselves and others as the desire flows naturally from them.

In the dictionary, YIELD is used both as a verb and a noun. As a verb it can mean to produce or provide; to deliver a result or gain; to give way to arguments, demands, or pressure; to relinquish possession of; to surrender. As a noun, it can mean the full amount produced or the return on an investment. On the road, it means to be alert and cautious and to stop for oncoming traffic. It’s so easy to miss or even ignore those yield signs, but to do so can cause a collision! 

The 1800’s hymn writer, Thomas Chisholm and music writer, Carl Lowden, in the hymn, “Living for Jesus,” described yielding to Jesus as “giving our allegiance, glad-hearted and free…This is the pathway of blessing for me…I give my life to you…I own no other master…My life I give…to live...Christ for you alone!”

As God’s children, we are provided with only the very best. His Holy Word instructs us in righteousness, we have direct access to him personally 24/7, and our well-being is paramount to HIM! We have a choice to accept HIM as our personal Savior and make HIM Lord of our lives. Decision is important, but God will give us so much more if we “yield” to HIM. When we do this, our lives are transformed!

In the Christian life, the presence of Jesus points to the beauty of “yielding” ourselves completely to HIM. This means that we have a beauty of spirit that actually becomes unconscious of our personal influence. God produces in us something that is inspiring. HE asks us to decide to follow HIM; but, moreover, to yield to HIM.

So, I am reminded today, to STOP so that I might YIELD!

“He who believes in ME…out of his heart will flow river of living water” (John 7:38)

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