Saturday, March 16, 2013

Red Berries, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire, 1995 - Timothy Wolcott Fine Art Landscape Photography

Bearing Fruit

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. ~Galations 5:22-23

As the COG crept up Mount Washington, the brakeman narrated as we passed a multicolored landscape of pure beauty. God’s handiwork was never more visible to me as we passed green firs, yellow birches, and glimpsed evidence of the permafrost layers beneath the earth. As the train descended, we stood at an acute angle although trying our best to stand straight—such a visual reminder of how we cannot defy the laws of gravity or the guidelines that God’s Word gives us. We try to straighten up and pull up our bootstraps, but no matter how hard we try—we just cannot do it!

In our daily lives, we are like passengers on that train. We need the conductor to get us up the mountain and down the mountain so that we can stand on level ground. We need Jesus to walk upright, stand straight, and bear fruit. As believers, we are called to bear fruit in much the same way as one of the trees on the mountainside of Mount Washington. This tree has leaves that turn a golden yellow and brown. It looses its leaves, but it continues to display the most vibrant, red, round, juicy, edible berries that the eyes could behold. But, it only has these berries every other year. God’s Word clearly tells us that we are to bear fruit like this tree. We, ourselves, may never see the fruit firsthand even as we enter our golden years and experience the changes in seasons or age. But God promises that when we follow Him in obedience to His commands, the fruit will be evident in due time—in His time.


Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

MANNA for My Soul

MANNA for My Soul

Exodus 14:15 reads, "The Lord said to Moses, why do you cry to me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward." Not too long after my husband of thirty years went to be with the Lord, I found myself at an all-time weak and dependent state--physically, mentally, emotionally, and, yes, even spiritually (or so I thought). I was reading God's Word, praying, journaling, crying out to Him for strength to be joyful, if not for me for my precious, teenage daughter who had seen and suffered so much during his extensive illness. There were times when I could not say the words to pray through the plethora of emotions, so I was sometimes numb and at times I wept believing that God knew my heart. I believed in His provision for me so I printed the word "MANNA" on a piece of large card stock and taped it to my bathroom mirror. With so many unanswered questions and so unsure of the future, looking at the word "MANNA" in bold print reminded me of God's faithfulness to provide all that I needed--in His own way, in His own timing. I needed only to accept the promise realizing that it may not "taste" or "look" like I thought it would. I was to accept with gratitude what He was giving me and trust that He knows best! Not unlike the Israelites, I complained and whined and often sought the comfort of others in the place of my sovereign LORD...But, He is faithful...He has proved Himself over and over and over again! He has met my needs and protected my daughter...He has given me a new love and and a new song in my heart...But, it didn't happen overnight...Just like the Israelites--sometimes it takes a period of wandering in the wilderness before we realize the promise is real and true and steadfast--we doubt lacking faith. God is faithful and His mercies are new every, when we find ourselves in the wilderness or the desert, we can be certain that He will not leave us there. Believe, and talk to Him and read His Word. If you don't have the words to pray, then take comfort that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groans...We are loved and the great God of the universe has great plans for all of us. Trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior and claim His promises even when it feels like it's impossible! The blessings will come and will number too many to count!

Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges