Wednesday, May 1, 2024


A morning walk takes me on a sidewalk adjacent to a busy street where two trees stand juxtaposed on the corner--a magnolia with its glossy, waxed, green leaves towering 15 feet gracing the expansive, cloudless, blue sky and exuding a delightful fragrance into the morning breeze as it gently brushes the dogwood tree which bears its unique flowers. These novelties are lacking in fragrance with rustic etched indentions on an otherwise perfectly white, petaled palate whose center features a sort of "seeded crowns!"

 Scripture tells us that we can see the love of God revealed in creation. Romans 1:20 says, "For HIS invisible attributes, namely HIS eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived since the creation of the world in the things that have been made." Moreover, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can live FOREVER... "Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31). 

So, in a world of imperfections and trials of many kinds, living a life surrendered to Jesus Christ is the only thing that has eTernal value! Seeing the dogwood flower reminds me that Christ died on the cross for my sins--my imperfections! The lovely fragrance of the flowering magnolia stirs me to mindfully live a life committed to the Lord--the glossy, evergreen leaves a symbolic, assuring reminder of the promise of spending eternity with God!

These flowers, as beautiful as they are, will, nonetheless, wither and fade; but the WORD OF GOD will endure forever! And, HIS WORD gives HOPE forever and ever! 

© Copyright 2024 Dr. DonnaJo Earl Bridges. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Ever wonder why "time" seems like such a precious commodity? 

A myriad of expression inundates us with shibboleths such as "if I could turn back time," and "time waits for no one." Many popular songs share the theme of time such as "Yesterday" and "Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?"  It seems that time is both arrested and free falling! 

As a reminder, we might consider that all of us have about 100 hours in every week to be measured by our choice of human consumption! 

How do we spend our 100 hours? 

Consider this:

7 days in a week times 24 hours in a day = 168 hours 

If we consider eating meals, hygiene, getting dressed daily, driving to work/school, and having a functional relationship with family (basics of life), we have about 100 hours left (and that is easy division). So, how is the designated percentage of time (100 hours) being spent?

According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Labor, Americans over the age of 15 average more than five hours of "free" time a day. My grandmother often unknowingly quoted Geoffrey Chaucer who was telling us in the 1300s that "idle hands were the devil's workshop." Most likely, all of us have "too much time on our hands"...yet, it seems that "there never seems to be enough time" to do the things we want and need to do! What are those things and how do we discern them?

When we consider that how we spend our time is how we spend our lives, we might ask ourselves, "How Does God Want Me To Spend My Time?" God's Word has guidelines for us and asking God for His help is only a prayer away. Renewing our minds daily and keeping our entertainment and company in check is a good place to start!

As we seek to live with eternity in mind, self-examination of our hearts and actions requires constant realignment with God’s Word in order to have "the mind of Christ" [1 Corinthians 3:2]. Every single aspect of our lives should bear witness to what it means to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and follow Him as Lord. So, believers in Jesus Christ rely on the Holy Spirit to reveal God's will and take away the "weight that slows us down" [Hebrews 12:1] in order to glorify Him as we faithfully look toward eternity and the home in heaven that has been prepared for us [Philippians 3:13-14].

Time well-spent is a life well-lived!


Friday, April 12, 2024


It's official! I am elderly! 

Honestly, I don't feel elderly; but, the definition states that if I am 65 years old, I am considered elderly. The implications of that implore me to "dig deeper into this elderly thing!" I have always loved older people and enjoyed the company of those who are older since I was a young girl. However, now that I am "elderly," it seems more like a terminal illness that many people like to "joke" about on a regular basis. But, to me, it is no laughing matter. It is just confirmation that all of our days on this earth are limited: whether we are young or "elderly," we all face our own mortality! 

What does that look like if we are proactive in our stance toward this impending physical death? We eat healthily, exercise, go for medical check-ups, downsize our homes, make plans for being weak and feeble should we live to be a centenarian, take "orders" from our adult children, help raise our grandchildren, and a myriad of other "things elderly people should say and do..." unless of course, we are misplacing our car keys which calls for dementia/Alzheimer's testing...Being elderly is complicated! 

But, the truth is surely that we most likely have a short window of time left to live on this earth. How will we spend it? Will it make a difference in the lives of those around us? Will we serve others as long as we are able? Will we respect our adult children and invest in our grandchildren and the "next generation?" How will we handle suffering? Are our affairs in order? What will our obituary truthfully say about us...Should we write it just in case no one else does?  

I chuckle; but, in all truth, it is not a "laughing matter" to me! It is a "high calling" to be elderly!

In light of eternity, we can take nothing or no one with us when we leave this earth. We can only be responsible for ourselves in the here and now and for all of eternity!

Why not "choose life"...CHOOSE ETERNAL LIFE? Jesus is waiting for all who will call upon HIS name and be saved. We can "live eternity now" by living for Jesus a life that is true...striving to please HIM in all that we do...yielding our allegiance to HIM...glad hearted and true...Why not surrender today by asking God to show you if Jesus is real! It makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE both now and forevermore! 

Friday, June 21, 2019


A Better Way...

                       A Better Day

There is a popular tune from the late 1970’s entitled, “Go Your Own Way,” by Fleetwood Mac. It was often played as background music where my friends and I would go roller skating in our teens. The message in the song is one of intense romantic love expressing “feelings” of not wanting someone to leave. Sadly, many people “feel” rejection and even abandonment when someone they care about does not reciprocate loving and caring. Our culture seems to encourage “going your own way”—doing what you want, when you want, how you want, and with whom you desire. In general, it appears to give no pretense to ethical, moral decision-making lacking in positive regard for how “going your own way” affects others.

In our culture, it is evident that each and every one of us has gone our own way. It is evident that we need saving! At a grass roots level, longitudinal parenting studies reveal that a laissez-faire parenting style is very ineffective—even detrimental to children’s well-being. This non-authoritarian style of parenting seems to have its roots—or at least, to have manifested its roots—in the western world’s culture of the 1960s and 1970s. A cursory examination of this “hands-off” parenting in the name of self-discovery and self-expression has rendered a generation subjected to self-gratification if not entitlement. It is clear, and research supports the facts that human beings tend to thrive best in environments with benevolent, predictable authority. In other words, we do best with authority that is fair, just, and consistent.

Fairness, justice, and consistency is not to be equated with sameness or lack of individualization.   Rather, it is very individualistic—meting out what is needed for each individual in varying circumstances. It really is beyond human comprehension and certainly human application. 

We are all flawed; and, we all have biases. We are selfish and prideful and jealous by nature. Is there any one of us who can deny that he/she is these things?

That is why we so desperately need a Savior—to save us from our own selves and the darkness that permeates this world.

Thanking God today for Jesus Christ who died for our sins that we might be forgiven and live in freedom. Thanking God that He saved me—I surely could not save myself (I have tried, and that did not work well for me!). Thanking God that He is a benevolent, fair, just, and true authority in my life!

“Going His Way” has eternal joyful outcomes! His Way is a life that is ultimately predictable, gives stability on the journey, and minimizes and eliminates worry of the future! 

Believe that Jesus died for everyone?  Confess that with your mouth; believe it in your heart, and  live with Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Go HIS Way!

            It will change your life for all ETERNITY!

           Refreshing newsflash:  You can “live that eternity now!”

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way, and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” From the Holy Bible: Isaiah 53:6

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  From the Holy Bible: John 3:16

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Yesterday, a trip to downtown Charlotte to meet with my accountant left me feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted. Paperwork for filing income taxes can be stressful; but, perhaps even more so is driving in Charlotte. At times, it can really test one's patience. It's those yellow lights that seem to bring out the true character of a person. The "toddler brain" just "kicks in," and we push the limits by accelerating to "make it through" just in the nick of time. And, if we travel a familiar route, we become accustomed to how long we have before the red light turns green for the oncoming traffic. I am ashamed to say that I have been guilty of speeding up to run through a yellow light especially if I was in a hurry or, ironically, wanted to "arrive on time."  This is, of course, an accident waiting to happen. There are frequent wrecks on I-77 to the point that some have come to refer to it as "death highway." 

Every time we travel safely, we have God to thank for HIS traveling mercies. I never take this for granted. We all can be in an accident at any time which can change the direction/course of our lives at any moment. I know parents who have lost children in automobile accidents and their children were not violating any laws--practicing safe offensive driving. This can happen to any of us at any time we're on the road.

Likewise, on the road of life, there are circumstances over which we have absolutely no control. We hopefully, engage our "prefrontal cortex" and slow down at yellow lights--obeying the traffic laws, and we pray for God to protect us. But, sometimes, that "toddler brain" just can't wait for immediate gratification.

It is imperative that we pray and wait on the Lord with every decision we face in life. It's those times, most likely times that we are under stress or even duress, that we accelerate and rush to do what "we" want that we become vulnerable to make decisions that are not God's best for us. It's these times that we can crash and find ourselves broken. Compelling counsel would guide us to have a heart for God's best; and arriving "on time" means stopping at yellow lights! God's perfect timing calls us to temperance and endurance.

When we find ourselves broken and consequences of actions that we know may not have been had we waited patiently on the Lord, God does not abandon us! He knows our hearts and the true motives of our hearts better than we know ourselves. Jesus has felt, as a man, every emotion ever known. He knows our weakness and HE will see us through--Jesus intercedes for us in our weaknesses.

We have overwhelming responsibility as believers in Jesus Christ to thank HIM for HIS grace that abounds. With that comes great responsibility to bring every thought captive and pray and wait on the Lord. 

Have you ever found yourself broken because you sped through that yellow light? Do not allow that to hold you captive for we love and serve a forgiving, loving heavenly Father. But, learn from each and every experience that HE brings you to and through. Live without excuse and with greater passion to share HIS message of truth: that JESUS died to save us from our sins and that if we repent and ask forgiveness, HE is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He will even use our brokenness for HIS glory when we are submitted to HIM!

Thanking God again today for HIS unfailing love and amazing, eternal, "hand-tailored" grace... HIS timing is "always on time!"

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Image result for yield sign

“Blessed are the poor in spirit…” (Matthew 5:3)

STOP! That’s a YIELD sign!

There’s that age when children grow in to teenagers who embark on their 15th birthday which means it’s time to learn to drive! It’s that moment when parents wield a part of themselves as this new found freedom “drives” a plethora of emotion that in no way can be anticipated. There are the driving lessons, memorizing the signs, and studying the “rules of the highway.” Some of us have even gone so far as to hire a state trooper to give private driving lessons to ensure that we have done everything we possibly could to provide knowledge and experience as the safety and well-being of our child is paramount—providing the best instruction, counsel, and support! We want safe drivers, and although it is a conscious decision to practice safe driving, we ultimately desire that our children will “yield” to their decision to protect themselves and others as the desire flows naturally from them.

In the dictionary, YIELD is used both as a verb and a noun. As a verb it can mean to produce or provide; to deliver a result or gain; to give way to arguments, demands, or pressure; to relinquish possession of; to surrender. As a noun, it can mean the full amount produced or the return on an investment. On the road, it means to be alert and cautious and to stop for oncoming traffic. It’s so easy to miss or even ignore those yield signs, but to do so can cause a collision! 

The 1800’s hymn writer, Thomas Chisholm and music writer, Carl Lowden, in the hymn, “Living for Jesus,” described yielding to Jesus as “giving our allegiance, glad-hearted and free…This is the pathway of blessing for me…I give my life to you…I own no other master…My life I give…to live...Christ for you alone!”

As God’s children, we are provided with only the very best. His Holy Word instructs us in righteousness, we have direct access to him personally 24/7, and our well-being is paramount to HIM! We have a choice to accept HIM as our personal Savior and make HIM Lord of our lives. Decision is important, but God will give us so much more if we “yield” to HIM. When we do this, our lives are transformed!

In the Christian life, the presence of Jesus points to the beauty of “yielding” ourselves completely to HIM. This means that we have a beauty of spirit that actually becomes unconscious of our personal influence. God produces in us something that is inspiring. HE asks us to decide to follow HIM; but, moreover, to yield to HIM.

So, I am reminded today, to STOP so that I might YIELD!

“He who believes in ME…out of his heart will flow river of living water” (John 7:38)

Monday, August 22, 2016


This morning a tidal wave of emotions gripped my soul as my joyful, radiant daughter picked up the shiny, red apple with a heart-shaped toothpick banner, "An Apple for the Teacher," piercing the juiciness from its flesh. It's been a journey, and my heart overflows with gratitude to the one and only true God who has always been there to guide and love her with an everlasting love. I really do love this girl "to the core!" She is so blessed to have a heart that loves to serve children, and her gifts to teach and mentor sincerely investing in their lives is a sweet and pleasing aroma flowing from the God who created her. Her prayer last evening "to serve the children with excellence" ... for the Lord!

This morning, her grandfather tried to text her a message, but he does not see very well after his stroke, so he called to tell her "to sow seeds like Johnny Appleseed" and let others know of her great God through her love for them. He also said that "Dee (her grandmother who went to be with the Lord two weeks ago) would be so proud," and we both cried a lot because we miss her being here to say "Go Girl" and "I love you, but remember God loves you more!" And, of course, the sweet memory of the hundreds of times her dad said "she's amazing!" brought tears of greater joy!

We are yet again reminded of the fragility of life and although we long for Jesus' return, we know that HE has work to be done here on earth to advance HIS eternal kingdom. So, with praise and thanksgiving, we trust in him with all of our heart...knowing that Jesus intercedes on our behalf and trust in his everlasting love!

It's a joyful day because JESUS is in us. HIS Holy Word sustains us...HE lights our path! So as we continue to journey with JESUS, we pray to keep our eyes on HIM and the rewards that are we rest in His amazing, eternal "hand-tailored" grace for each one of us!