Friday, June 21, 2019


A Better Way...

                       A Better Day

There is a popular tune from the late 1970’s entitled, “Go Your Own Way,” by Fleetwood Mac. It was often played as background music where my friends and I would go roller skating in our teens. The message in the song is one of intense romantic love expressing “feelings” of not wanting someone to leave. Sadly, many people “feel” rejection and even abandonment when someone they care about does not reciprocate loving and caring. Our culture seems to encourage “going your own way”—doing what you want, when you want, how you want, and with whom you desire. In general, it appears to give no pretense to ethical, moral decision-making lacking in positive regard for how “going your own way” affects others.

In our culture, it is evident that each and every one of us has gone our own way. It is evident that we need saving! At a grass roots level, longitudinal parenting studies reveal that a laissez-faire parenting style is very ineffective—even detrimental to children’s well-being. This non-authoritarian style of parenting seems to have its roots—or at least, to have manifested its roots—in the western world’s culture of the 1960s and 1970s. A cursory examination of this “hands-off” parenting in the name of self-discovery and self-expression has rendered a generation subjected to self-gratification if not entitlement. It is clear, and research supports the facts that human beings tend to thrive best in environments with benevolent, predictable authority. In other words, we do best with authority that is fair, just, and consistent.

Fairness, justice, and consistency is not to be equated with sameness or lack of individualization.   Rather, it is very individualistic—meting out what is needed for each individual in varying circumstances. It really is beyond human comprehension and certainly human application. 

We are all flawed; and, we all have biases. We are selfish and prideful and jealous by nature. Is there any one of us who can deny that he/she is these things?

That is why we so desperately need a Savior—to save us from our own selves and the darkness that permeates this world.

Thanking God today for Jesus Christ who died for our sins that we might be forgiven and live in freedom. Thanking God that He saved me—I surely could not save myself (I have tried, and that did not work well for me!). Thanking God that He is a benevolent, fair, just, and true authority in my life!

“Going His Way” has eternal joyful outcomes! His Way is a life that is ultimately predictable, gives stability on the journey, and minimizes and eliminates worry of the future! 

Believe that Jesus died for everyone?  Confess that with your mouth; believe it in your heart, and  live with Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Go HIS Way!

            It will change your life for all ETERNITY!

           Refreshing newsflash:  You can “live that eternity now!”

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way, and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” From the Holy Bible: Isaiah 53:6

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  From the Holy Bible: John 3:16