Yesterday, a trip to downtown Charlotte to meet with my accountant left me feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted. Paperwork for filing income taxes can be stressful; but, perhaps even more so is driving in Charlotte. At times, it can really test one's patience. It's those yellow lights that seem to bring out the true character of a person. The "toddler brain" just "kicks in," and we push the limits by accelerating to "make it through" just in the nick of time. And, if we travel a familiar route, we become accustomed to how long we have before the red light turns green for the oncoming traffic. I am ashamed to say that I have been guilty of speeding up to run through a yellow light especially if I was in a hurry or, ironically, wanted to "arrive on time." This is, of course, an accident waiting to happen. There are frequent wrecks on I-77 to the point that some have come to refer to it as "death highway."
Every time we travel safely, we have God to thank for HIS traveling mercies. I never take this for granted. We all can be in an accident at any time which can change the direction/course of our lives at any moment. I know parents who have lost children in automobile accidents and their children were not violating any laws--practicing safe offensive driving. This can happen to any of us at any time we're on the road.
Likewise, on the road of life, there are circumstances over which we have absolutely no control. We hopefully, engage our "prefrontal cortex" and slow down at yellow lights--obeying the traffic laws, and we pray for God to protect us. But, sometimes, that "toddler brain" just can't wait for immediate gratification.
It is imperative that we pray and wait on the Lord with every decision we face in life. It's those times, most likely times that we are under stress or even duress, that we accelerate and rush to do what "we" want that we become vulnerable to make decisions that are not God's best for us. It's these times that we can crash and find ourselves broken. Compelling counsel would guide us to have a heart for God's best; and arriving "on time" means stopping at yellow lights! God's perfect timing calls us to temperance and endurance.
When we find ourselves broken and consequences of actions that we know may not have been had we waited patiently on the Lord, God does not abandon us! He knows our hearts and the true motives of our hearts better than we know ourselves. Jesus has felt, as a man, every emotion ever known. He knows our weakness and HE will see us through--Jesus intercedes for us in our weaknesses.
We have overwhelming responsibility as believers in Jesus Christ to thank HIM for HIS grace that abounds. With that comes great responsibility to bring every thought captive and pray and wait on the Lord.
Have you ever found yourself broken because you sped through that yellow light? Do not allow that to hold you captive for we love and serve a forgiving, loving heavenly Father. But, learn from each and every experience that HE brings you to and through. Live without excuse and with greater passion to share HIS message of truth: that JESUS died to save us from our sins and that if we repent and ask forgiveness, HE is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He will even use our brokenness for HIS glory when we are submitted to HIM!
Thanking God again today for HIS unfailing love and amazing, eternal, "hand-tailored" grace... HIS timing is "always on time!"