Sunday, August 17, 2014

AIRTIGHT : Gratitude in Jars of Clay

AIRTIGHT: Gratitude in Jars of Clay

Although I am not an enthusiastic fan of Christian rock, I recently attended a concert by Jars of Clay in which they performed some of their songs that had spanned a twenty year period. One of my favorites, “Love Song for a Savior,” is an ever-present reminder that it is God’s power and not our own fortitude that produces a Spirit-filled life.

For several years I had searched for a unique piece of pottery to hold treasured memories. It had to be “perfect” … authentic color, coarse clay, refined … it had to have a tight fitting lid and be pleasing to the artistic eye as it was designated to hold some of my most precious memorabilia. A generous friend who knew of my longing and indecisiveness boldly surprised me with the “perfect” vessel. Designated as a depository for treasured memories; my hand-thrown clay pot was proudly displayed in a prominent, carefully chosen location. As I meticulously prepared to place a treasured letter in it, I was reminded that this vessel was holding not only the words and the sentiment that they related but also the gratitude in my heart for love and life. It was not an ivory, wood-carved, brass, marble, glass or other expensive vase. It was a vase of the common person. It was preferred and useful!

In I Corinthians 4:7-15, Paul writes about “jars of clay” as “earthenware vessels.” The original Greek text uses the noun skeuos which stood for a vessel that serves a particular purpose (a pot, pan, jug, plate, or cup)—it is an instrument used for a specific purpose. Just as I planned to use my beautiful, clay creation as a vessel to hold special things near and dear to my heart, God’s plan is to use His people as an instrument to carry out a specific service. We are common, run-of-the-mill clay! We are fragile and can be easily cracked or broken! Yet God entrusts His treasure with us—THIS TREASURE is the “glorious” news of Jesus Christ!

With this in mind, and a heart that overflows with gratitude, we all have so many opportunities to share the gospel and share love with our brothers and sisters in Christ. As we express this gratitude, it is virtually impossible to be depressed, sad, worried, anxious, or fearful whatever our circumstances … This gratitude binds our hearts together with the love for our Savior …

As the band from Jars of Clay sang, [JESUS], “I want to fall in love with you …” … I know that I am your precious treasure!

 Prayer: Lord, please use me as an ordinary but useful vessel as I await your glorious return for your BRIDE…May I be your “hands and feet” in a world that desperately needs to know your love!  

Monday, February 24, 2014


Sometimes it just happens!   We use our words carelessly and hurt someone’s feelings…Without thinking, we do something that wasn’t really the right thing to do…With our acts of omission, we preclude another from receiving a blessing or even cause them to feel neglected or “left out”…Things get “too busy” to invest time in those relationships that really make a difference…Perhaps we miss opportunities and feel the pain and remorse that can come as a result…

Have you ever pondered the power of forgiveness?

Certainly, if you have brought pain or suffering to someone, deliberately or perhaps unknowingly, acting out of neglect or haste, there is a hungering desire for forgiveness. Failing to obey what you know to be TRUTH fosters an internal longing to be forgiven. Desiring to be forgiven and extending forgiveness has unparalleled power to heal a broken heart, bind up a wound, and free the soul from bondage.

When Jesus was asked “What is the greatest commandment?...” HE clearly told us to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength…HE told us that the second greatest commandment was to love our neighbor as ourselves. We have clear instructions from God’s Holy Word to love the Lord with a whole heart and to love others including ourselves. This is not a kind of “self love” but rather a spirit of love that fosters forgiveness. The Bible instructs us to forgive one another not because another person deserves forgiveness but out of our love for God. Satan would love nothing more than to have us believe the lie that we have done something that is too big or too bad to be forgiven. Ultimately, God desires for us to be forgiven and to forgive others. I John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Scripture does not quantify or qualify sin. Scripture is clear that God is faithful and just to forgive all sin--past, present, and future--when we are truly repentant. God's ultimate plan for eternity is FORGIVENESS... Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for the sins of every single human being God created. HIS forgivenss is infinite, all encompassing, "hand-tailored" grace ... Jesus laid down his life so that you and I could be forgiven...This is our example, our standard.We are called to forgive others out of a love for the Lord--not because it is deserved! The power of this magnitude of forgiveness sets the captive free and gives LIFE!
This is the life that is … “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3) … Be encouraged today that you can be forgiven and that with God’s help you can forgive others!
As believers in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we are loved with an everlasting love...this is our "eternity now" [to be continued]

Thank you Lord for forgiving me. May I extend grace and forgiveness to others as I reflect on YOUR ultimate gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Have You Ever Listened to a Beautiful Day?

Although it was fourteen years ago, I remember the day and the moment as if it were yesterday when my innocent little girl was swinging in the backyard “as high as the sky.” With those glistening brown eyes she looked at me and profoundly proclaimed a truth that has penetrated not only my thoughts but also the fabric of my heart over the years. She asked, “Mom, have you ever LISTENED to a beautiful day?” 
Early this morning there was darkness for the bright and shining sun had not burst forth with its light over the horizon. Listening, you could hear the elusive quietness that calms the spirit and soothes the soul. Looking around, you could see the tranquil, short-lived stillness that permeates the lingering peace of the night. Trees towering above, against a sky that would soon radiate a multicolored prism of light, depicting a mighty, all-powerful, supreme God. It is a new day dawning—whatever is in the past or whatever the future holds—there are an infinite number of reasons to praise God for His blessings and call upon His Holy, majestic name.

Lord, may all the things of this world be “drowned out” by the quietness and stillness that you alone can give in a world of busyness seemingly full of “darkness” that brings “no light.” YOU, Heavenly Father, give LIGHT, and may we know you and praise your Holiness…Sing with prayers to the changelessly faithful One…Cry out for mercy…Blessed be the name of the LORD.
Praying today to be still and KNOW God!

(Psalm 105: 1-4)
Copyright 2014 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges     All rights reserved

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Do you have a "true" friend? Are you a "true" friend to someone? C.S. Lewis writes that not unlike art and philosophy, friendship "has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." The anals of history, the volumes of poetry, the songs of every genre, cross-cultural literature, and artistic expression promulgate the joys and rewards of "true" friendship.

If you are blessed to have a "true" friend who loves you (despite yourself), you have received a wonderful blessing. Loving unconditionally, without expecting anything in return, is what "true friendship" is all about!
The Bible is filled with great examples of "true" friendship of which the foundation is love--Ruth and Naomi, Jacob and Rachel, Jonathan and David, Esther and "her people," Paul and Timothy, Jesus and John, Mary and Joseph...

The gift of a flip calendar is displayed on the kitchen counter where each year for the past three, I flip it over and reread the inspiring quotes. Today, the quote was from the HOLY BIBLE, "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail."    [Lamentations 3: 21-23 NIV]

Jesus longs to be our friend, and in Him we have more than every gift and quality ever conceived in the greatest anals of history, music, philosophy, or art...We can have an eternal relationship that does not fade, wither, disappoint, or fail.

As the hymn writer so eloquently expressed in the song, "What A Friend...," Jesus is our every refuge...He will always be there, ready and waiting to accept each and every one of us in an unconditional "friendship" of His love for ever and ever!



                                                                  Copyright 2014 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges            All rights reserved