Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Rearview Mirror

I love this picture! It's me and my sixteen year old mommy. We were headed for Mount Sinai Baptist Church on Easter Sunday. She must have had so much on her mind, and I look so carefree. Over time, I would learn of her challenges and difficulties and feel her pain on numerous occasions. I am so grateful that she took me to church, and I had the amazing gift of accepting Jesus as my Savior at the age of nine. It was then that I began to journey with Jesus; and, looking in the rearview mirror today, His hand of protection covered me while giving me perspective—bringing me to the place I am today…a woman who loves the Lord and finds joy in Him now!

Life in the Right Lane

Who was it who said, "I took the road less taken and it has made all the difference?"

On the highway of life is it possible to know if we are in the right lane? How do we know that taking the "road less taken" is the right road? Is the life we're living making a difference for us or for others? Are we living with an eternal perspective rather than a moment by moment urgency to please ourselves in the present?

Travelling life's highway over the course of one's life must be a deliberate and conscious effort since we inevitably face challenges, difficult circumstances, and innocent (and sometimes even self-induced) suffering. Life in the right lane focuses on how life' choices affect life's outcomes...

Come, take the journey, share the adventure, and make certain to choose to make life "count for something greater than yourself."

Discover what makes the difference!  ... You can KNOW for certain!


Copyright 2013 Dr. Donna Earl Bridges